SomaCore plugin to load and manage assets: SomaAssets
Two new releases today, an asset loader and the SomaCore plugin: SomaAssets. The AssetLoader library is a port from Matan's AssetLoader library to be event-based, it makes you able to load and manage...
read articleSomaCore wiki and framework flow
I've added some more information on the SomaCore wiki. You can find some code and explanation how to use, create and remove Wires within the framework, using injection or not. I also explained how to...
read articleSomaCore tutorial framework instance
I'll be writing in the next days a series of wiki, manual, best practices with tons of code example. It should help you to get started. I will be explaining in-depth how SomaCore works and what you...
read articleSomaCore AS3 MVC Framework v2 release
SomaCore is a lightweight AS3 MVC event-based framework that provides a very flexible structure for your Flash, Flex and AIR projects. The main addition in this version 2 is Dependency Injection, but...
read articleSomaCore Twitter Search demo
Another SomaCore demo is available on Githug or on the SomaCore page. This demo is relatively simple. Keywords are sent to the Twitter API using a command that is dispatched straight from the view as...
read articleSomaCore Hello World
I've added a very simple SomaCore Hello World demo. The application creates a wire, a view and a model. The view dispatch a command to request a message, the command ask the data to the model, the...
read articleSomaCore AS3 MVC framework on Github
I've decided to put my framework SomaCore on Github. SomaCore is a lightweight event-based MVC framework written in AS3 that provides a structure, models, views management and commands. Somacore can...
read articleSomaCore update AS3 MVC Minimal Framework
Hi everyone, In case you didn't notice that I released an new minimal AS3 MVC Framework some time ago: SomaCore. I call it minimal because it is very lightweight, yet powerful and non-intrusive. You...
read articleAS3 garbage collection monitor
I needed to watch objects to know if they were properly garbage collected or not, so I've added a GC Monitor in the SomaCore Debugger. It is pretty easy to use and I think very useful if you start to...
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