After effects export trackers or properties
| 1 min read
I wrote 2 quick scripts for After Effects to export properties to XML. I thought it might be handy for some of you.
I mainly wrote them to export motion trackers to use in Flash afterwards, but you should be able to export other properties.
To use them, do the following:
- In the menu: Preferences > General > and tick "Allow scripts to write files and access network"
- open a project
- select the properties you want to export (for example the 4 points "Feature Center" of motion trackers)
- In the menu: File > Scripts > Run script file...
- select one the following scripts
A file "export.txt" should have been created on your desktop (and opened), with the XML content inside.
You should be able to export other properties, such as Transform properties like "position", and so on.
It is certainly not bug free, but it should get you started.
Export by properties
Export by time
Hope that helps!